Communication Psychology in the Application of Social Values


  • Muhammad Balia State Islamic University (UIN) Ar-Raniry, Banda Aceh



Psychology, Communication, Social


The application of communication psychology in social values is very important. Because by applying psychology when conveying information to others, it will make information easier to understand and understand so that the communication process runs more effectively and safely. then understanding humans is absolute if we want to be successful/effective in communicating with other humans. A value that is very important and must be possessed by humans, one of which is social value. Social value consists of two words, namely value and social. Value means everything that is broad and complex to identify good and bad behavior, permissible and not permissible, right or bad which is used as a guide for humans in social life as social beings. The important meaning of communication has actually become a widespread awareness in society. This is evidenced by daily life which is always filled with communication activities. However, the level of awareness and implementation of each person is different. Some have high awareness and are supported by a good understanding of communication. There are also those who have low awareness. Communication if done properly will bring results that are in accordance with expectations. Conversely, inappropriate communication can have a negative effect.


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How to Cite

Balia, M. (2023). Communication Psychology in the Application of Social Values. Jurnal Al-Fikrah, 12(1), 59-68.