Transformation of Mass Media Communication in Teungku Dayah Aceh's Dakwah
Transformation, Communication, Mass MediaAbstract
Dakwah is often associated with speaking from a pulpit in front of a large audience to convey messages of goodness. However, with the advancement of mass media, dakwah is no longer limited to that form. Mass media has now become part of the innovation in delivering dakwah messages. The presence of mass media opens up new opportunities for a more dynamic and flexible approach to dakwah, keeping up with the times. The use of mass media as a tool for dakwah provides a broader opportunity for people from all walks of life who want to play a role in spreading goodness, which in this context is dakwah. This qualitative research utilizes interviews with seven Teungku Dayah in Aceh. The findings reveal that a deep comprehension of the concept of symbolic reality in media is crucial for crafting compelling and effective Islamic messages. This concept allows for the selection of either an analogical map or a reflective reality model depending on the objectives of the preaching. In the context of Teungku Dayah Aceh, this understanding helps in delivering Islamic messages that resonate with the audience and the local environment, thus enhancing the effectiveness of Islamic preaching. Furthermore, changes in society, technology, and politics influence the role of mass media in disseminating Islamic messages. Factors such as community ties, societal conditions, and political situations can impact the functions of mass media. The advancement of technology creates new opportunities in mass media. In the context of Teungku Dayah Aceh, preachers must comprehend these changes and adapt their communication strategies to remain effective in delivering Islamic messages and influencing the community.
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