Jurnal Al-Fikrah https://ejournal.unisai.ac.id/index.php/jiaf <p>The journal Al-Fikrah (Print ISSN: <a href="https://issn.lipi.go.id/terbit/detail/1344057157" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2085-8523</a> Online ISSN: <a href="https://issn.lipi.go.id/terbit/detail/1601017490" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2746-2714</a>) is a scientific journal that contains manuscripts in the fields of law, education and Islamic da'wah. The scope of the journal Al-Fikrah is in the form of research results and critical-analysis studies with the aim of being a credible forum for academics and researchers to disseminate works, studies, papers, and other forms of research. Its formation aims to become a scientific journal with a national reputation as well as to promote the advancement, understanding, and law, education and da'wah of Islam. Posting articles in this journal is addressed to the website https://ejournal.iaialaziziyah.ac.id/index.php/jiaf</p> <p>Detailed information for article loading and article writing instructions is provided in each issue. Articles that are submitted will go through a selection process for bestari partners (reviewers) or editors. The Al-Fikrah journal is published by the LPPM Al-Aziziyah Samalanga Institute of Islamic Religion, Bireuen, Aceh, Indonesia. Al-Fikrah is a scientific and reference journal that provides an official source of information for scholars, academics and professionals in the fields of law, education and Islamic da'wah. This journal is published in print and online which can be downloaded for free, which will be published regularly twice a year.</p> Institut Agama Islam Al-Aziziyah Samalanga en-US Jurnal Al-Fikrah 2085-8523 Implementasi Perencanaan Sekolah Penggerak Dalam Peningkatan Proses Pembelajaran Peserta Didik Di SDN 1 Trienggadeng https://ejournal.unisai.ac.id/index.php/jiaf/article/view/891 <p style="text-align: justify;">The implementation of the School Driving Program is expected to enhance the quality of teaching. However, its execution often encounters various challenges, such as teachers not yet fully understanding the application of the new curriculum paradigm. This study aims to examine the planning of the School Driving Program in improving the learning process for students, the implementation of the program, and the obstacles faced in executing the program at SDN 1 Trienggadeng. This research employs a qualitative method with a descriptive approach. The subjects of this study are the principal, teachers, and students of SDN 1 Trienggadeng. Data collection techniques include observation, interviews, and documentation. The results of this study indicate that the planning of the School Driving Program at SDN 1 Trienggadeng involves several strategic steps, including the school developing a data-driven structured plan that encompasses the enhancement of teacher competencies through training focused on innovative teaching methods and the use of educational technology.</p> Tihalimah Faiza Maisyura Copyright (c) 2024 Faiza Maisyura, Tihalimah https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-11-18 2024-11-18 13 2 153 163 10.54621/jiaf.v14i2.891 The Role of Islam in the Formation of Civilization in Southeast Asia: History and Social Influence https://ejournal.unisai.ac.id/index.php/jiaf/article/view/885 <p style="text-align: justify;">Islam has played a significant role in the formation of civilization in Southeast Asia, particularly in terms of its historical and social influence. Since its arrival through trade routes and cultural exchanges, Islam has become an integral part of the region's identity. This article aims to explore how Islam contributed to shaping the social, political, and cultural structures of Southeast Asia. The study employs a historical-qualitative approach, focusing on historical literature and primary documents related to the development of Islam in the region. The findings indicate that Islam not only influenced social and cultural values but also played a critical role in shaping political identity and fostering relationships among diverse communities. The influence of Islam in Southeast Asia continues to this day, enriching social structures and strengthening cross-cultural ties.</p> Muhibuddin Usman Copyright (c) 2024 Muhibuddin Usman https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-12-17 2024-12-17 13 2 164 173 10.54621/jiaf.v13i2.885 The Influence of Educational Marketing on the Image of Islamic Senior High Schools in Bengkalis - Bantan District https://ejournal.unisai.ac.id/index.php/jiaf/article/view/875 <p><strong> </strong>This research consists of two variables, namely educational marketing (X) and madrasah image (Y). This study aims to find out firstly the marketing of madrasah aliyah education in Bengkalis-Bantan District, second to find out the image of madrasah aliyah in Bengkalis-Bantan District, third to determine the influence of education marketing on the image of madrasah aliyah in BengkalisBantan District. The type of research carried out is Field Research where the research is carried out with How to go directly into the field to obtain data and analyze data. While the research approach used is quantitative descriptive where to get results obtained by analysis through SPSS as a measurement. The subjects in this study were parents/guardians of madrasah aliyah students in BengkalisBantan District. The object of this study is the influence of educational marketing on the image of madrasah aliyah in Bengkalis – Bantan District. The population I took In this study, there were 43 parents/guardians of students. While the data collection technique is by using questionnaires, interviews and documentation. The result of this study is that the marketing of education is very influential on the image of madrasah aliyah in Bengkalis-Bantan District, because after being tested from the questionnaire that has been distributed, it is then processed at SPSS using a correlation test obtained a value of 0.725 which is in the range of 0.70 – 0.90 which means between variable X and variable Y there is a high correlation. While the value of significance obtained is 0.000, which means there is an influence.</p> Indra Johan Andriesgo Copyright (c) 2024 Indra, Johan Andriesgo https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-12-22 2024-12-22 13 2 174 201 10.54621/jiaf.v13i2.875 The Triple Helix Theory as a Solution for the Unification of the Hijri Calendar in Indonesia https://ejournal.unisai.ac.id/index.php/jiaf/article/view/871 <p>The Islamic calendar system is an important element of Islamic civilization, but its uniform implementation across the Muslim world, including Indonesia, remains a challenge. Despite Indonesia's Muslim majority, differences persist in determining the start and end of months in the Hijri calendar. Various efforts to establish a unified Islamic calendar have not yet succeeded. This study, titled "The Triple Helix Theory as a Solution for the Unification of the Hijri Calendar in Indonesia," aims to explore Muslim perceptions regarding this unification and examine the role of the government using the Triple Helix theory. The research employs a mixed-method approach, combining quantitative and qualitative methods. The findings show that 77.44% of respondents believe the unification of the Hijri calendar is necessary, while 22.6% do not. Additionally, the study reveals that the Triple Helix theory can be applied as follows: (1) The government, particularly the Ministry of Religious Affairs, should act as a regulator and facilitator; (2) Academics should provide scholarly input consistent with Islamic principles; and (3) Islamic organizations should issue fatwas that unify Muslims in Indonesia, as their decisions are highly influential within the community.</p> Vivit Fitriyanti Akhmad Haries Abd Syakur Copyright (c) 2024 Vivit Fitriyanti, Akhmad Haries, Abd Syakur https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-12-30 2024-12-30 13 2 202 224 10.54621/jiaf.v13i2.871 Efforts To Strengthen Community Businesses Through Mosques During The Covid-19 Pandemic In Banda Aceh City https://ejournal.unisai.ac.id/index.php/jiaf/article/view/859 <p>This research is related to the problem of the mosque-based ummat economy, Banda Aceh is one of the areas that has economic potential through the mosque both in this case is the capital of various businesses, then the land and potential of human resources but its utilization is very minimal. This research uses qualitative research methods with an analytical descriptive approach, this research was conducted through data collection techniques with observation and interviews. The results of the research Efforts The potential of the mosque from the gallery and souvenir business is the target of tourist guests from outside both local and foreign by coming to buy souvenirs.&nbsp;&nbsp; After the covid-19 virus appeared, the souvenir business unit was closed and is no longer running until now because there are no visitors and buyers.&nbsp; BKM is thinking of building a new business unit that can support the mosque's operations, of course, there is an empty waqf land owned by the mosque which is located behind the mosque, we opened a culinary shop kuala ulee lheu as a culinary tour that can support the mosque's operations. The mechanism of the BKM management proposes this program to BKPRMI Aceh, the involvement in this business is the BKM mosque management and also some people who help in managing the culinary shop business unit. The Bank Indonesia institution helped in the cost of building a business unit which they had previously coordinated with the BKM management.</p> Kamaruddin Kamaruddin Fakhruddin Fakhruddin Copyright (c) 2024 Khairuddin Khairuddin, Fakhruddin Fakhruddin https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-12-31 2024-12-31 13 2 225 234 10.54621/jiaf.v13i2.859 Implementation of Fiqh Tarbawi in the Formation of Students https://ejournal.unisai.ac.id/index.php/jiaf/article/view/881 <p>The application of Fiqh Tarbawi in education holds significant potential in shaping students' character through the integration of moral, ethical, and spiritual values. This study employs a qualitative approach with a case study method to explore the challenges and strategies for implementing Fiqh Tarbawi in several educational institutions. Data were collected through in-depth interviews with educators, parents, and students, as well as direct observations in classrooms and school activities. The results indicate that the primary challenges include the lack of understanding among educators regarding the principles of Fiqh Tarbawi, resource limitations, and diverse social dynamics. However, parental involvement, the creation of a positive learning environment, and effective communication between educators and students have proven to enhance the acceptance and understanding of these values. These findings suggest the need for training for educators and the development of a curriculum that is more responsive to social diversity to achieve holistic educational goals.</p> Alauddin Abubakar Copyright (c) 2024 Alauddin Abubakar https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-12-31 2024-12-31 13 2 235 247 10.54621/jiaf.v13i2.881 The Development of Virtual Reality Media to Enhance Vocabulary Learning for Madrasah Ibtidaiyyah Students https://ejournal.unisai.ac.id/index.php/jiaf/article/view/901 <p style="text-align: justify;">In the digital age, the use of technology is becoming more important in the context of education to create a deep and interactive learning experience. This study aims to develop the design of vocabulary materials using <em> VR technology </em>as an innovative teaching method to support Arabic language learning at the level of Islamic primary school (primary school). This study relied on a design based research <em>methodology.</em> Questionnaires and interviews were used as data collection tools, while qualitative and quantitative analyses were used to analyze the data.The results of the study showed that there are four stages implemented in the design of the research product: problem and needs analysis, design, evaluation, and distribution. Problem analysis in education showed a lack of interest in learning and poor vocabulary mastery. The design of vocabulary learning materials included the use of virtual reality technology through the application of "LAPENTOR"". The design was evaluated by 6 experts, with product ratings in terms of content and language receiving 100%, and design rating 97%. Accordingly, the VR design was deemed <em> </em>appropriate for use after taking expert feedback to improve the product. Therefore, the design of vocabulary learning materials using virtual reality can be used as a teaching tool in teaching Arabic at the level of Islamic primary schools.</p> Niswah Hijja Yasmin Salma Hayati Fithriani Fajriah Copyright (c) 2024 Niswah Hijja Yasmin, Salma Hayati, Fithriani, Fajriah https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-12-31 2024-12-31 13 2 248 264 10.54621/jiaf.v13i2.901 I’adah Of Friday Prayer With Zuhr Prayer In The Perspective Of Fiqh Shafi'iyyah https://ejournal.unisai.ac.id/index.php/jiaf/article/view/674 <p>This research describes the determination of the legal <em>I’adah</em> for Friday prayers and noon prayers in Syafiiyah fiqh. The Friday prayer prayer has become a habit carried out by the congregation of the Al-Amin Meurah Samalanga mosque. However, there are also mosques around Samalanga that do not perform Friday prayers. This research analyzes the factors that cause Friday prayers at the Al-Amin Mesjid Meurah Samalanga. This research is field research using qualitative descriptive research methods. The author uses an empirical or sociological (empirical or sociological) approach. The conclusion of this research is that the Friday prayers with noon prayer are carried out by the congregation at the Al-Amin Meurah Mosque, Samalanga sub-district, Bireun Regency because they believe that there are less than 40 members of the Friday congregation because there are still some people who do not come to the mosque but choose to to pray at other mosques around Samalanga.</p> Safrizal Mukhtar Copyright (c) 2024 Safrizal Mukhtar https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-12-31 2024-12-31 13 2 265 277 10.54621/jiaf.v13i2.674 Philosophy Of Science As An Epistemological Foundation In The Development Of Islamic Education Management Theory https://ejournal.unisai.ac.id/index.php/jiaf/article/view/889 <p style="text-align: justify;">Islamic education has a strong foundation in the philosophy of science, which acts as an epistemological foundation in the development of educational management theory. This study aims to analyze the relationship between philosophy of science and Islamic education management, as well as its implications for educational practice. Using a qualitative approach, this research examines various perspectives of philosophy of science, such as empiricism, rationalism and constructivism, and their relevance in the context of Islamic education. The results show that a deep understanding of the philosophy of science can enrich educational management theory, enabling the integration of Islamic values in the process of educational management. In addition, the findings indicate the need for curriculum development that reflects epistemological principles in accordance with Islamic teachings, in order to improve the effectiveness of educational management. Thus, philosophy of science not only serves as an analytical tool, but also as a guideline in formulating educational management policies and strategies based on Islamic values.</p> Ahmad Yani Copyright (c) 2024 Ahmad Yani https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-12-31 2024-12-31 13 2 278 291 10.54621/jiaf.v13i2.889 Review of Maqāshid al Syarī’ah Regarding Grants Counted as Inheritance in Article 211 of the Compilation of Islamic Law https://ejournal.unisai.ac.id/index.php/jiaf/article/view/884 <p style="text-align: justify;">A gift (<em>hibah</em>) involves the transfer of property to another without compensation during the giver's life, often to prevent disputes after their death. In Islamic law, hibah to non-heirs, like adopted children, can create issues. Article 211 of KHI limits hibah to a maximum of one-third of the benefactor's wealth, safeguarding legitimate heirs' rights. Maqāshid al-syarī’ah views hibah as a means to ensure the welfare of all, including the protection of wealth and lineage. This study examines hibah in Article 211 of KHI and analyzes it through maqāshid al-syarī’ah. Using a qualitative library approach, findings show that hibah given during the benefactor's lifetime may be counted in the inheritance to maintain fairness among heirs. Maqāshid al-syarī’ah stresses justice, family harmony, and collective welfare, aiming to prevent conflict and uphold balanced rights among heirs and the benefactor’s intentions.</p> Mursalin Sulaiman Copyright (c) 2024 Mursalin Sulaiman https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-12-31 2024-12-31 13 2 292 304 10.54621/jiaf.v13i2.884 Instilling Faith and Morals in Early Childhood https://ejournal.unisai.ac.id/index.php/jiaf/article/view/1013 <p><em>The instillation of faith (aqidah) and morals (akhlaq) in early childhood is a strategic step in shaping strong Islamic character, especially in response to the challenges of the modern era. This study aims to examine an integrative approach involving families, schools, and digital media in embedding the values of aqidah and akhlaq in children. Using a qualitative research method based on literature review, this study reveals that early childhood is a golden period where children possess exceptional abilities to absorb positive values. The findings indicate that synergy between families, formal education, and digital media supervision is the key to addressing modernization challenges that often contradict religious values. This study also highlights the importance of wisely utilizing digital media as a supportive tool to reinforce Islamic values. The research contributes by offering practical and relevant strategies to support the development of Islamic character in early childhood through a holistic and integrated approach.</em></p> Mutia Bustamam Copyright (c) 2024 Mutia Bustamam https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-12-31 2024-12-31 13 2 305 315 10.54621/jiaf.v13i2.1013 The Conduct Of Marriage Contracts In Mosques Fron Perspective Of Syafii Jurisprudence https://ejournal.unisai.ac.id/index.php/jiaf/article/view/849 <p>This study addresses a controversy sparked by a religious figure in Aceh who equated marriages conducted in mosques with Christian weddings in churches, leading to significant community debate. The research investigates the perspective of the Syafi'i school of jurisprudence on conducting marriages in mosques. Utilizing a qualitative approach with library research methods, the study concludes that scholars of the Syafi'i school permit the practice of conducting marriages in mosques.</p> Muhammad Haikal Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Haikal https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-12-31 2024-12-31 13 2 316 326 10.54621/jiaf.v13i2.849