Pengaruh Media Terhadap Kedamaian Masyarakat


  • T. Faizin Institut Agama Islam (IAI) Al-Aziziyah Samalanga Bireuen Aceh



Media, Kedamaian, Konflik


The media has an important role in conflict situations. Inaccuracies, and imbalance media information provided directly or indirectly able to reconstruct conflict towards a new conflict. In this case the media is indirectly responsible for the conflict, because the media play a role as "penggiring" towards war or conflict. The media has the potential to be a force mediate in conflict situations. This means that the media serves as a mediator in the conflict. However this needs to be a commitment, trust and openness of each group. The media can serve as a means of communication in conveying the interests, goals and obstacles in the process of dialogue and media are also able to facilitate the process of reconciliation and peace reconstruct. The influence of the mass media to convey or peace campaigns is very important when it would be a conflict (pre-conflict) or terjadainya during conflict and post-conflict. The ability of the mass media as a bridge of information about the conflict even as an instrument of information in the peace effort has actually been carried out by members of the media, with a crew of professional news media into a group of people who are very important in minimizing conflict, even able to create peace in the midst of society.


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How to Cite

T. Faizin. (2014). Pengaruh Media Terhadap Kedamaian Masyarakat. Jurnal An-Nasyr: Jurnal Dakwah Dalam Mata Tinta, 1(1), 49-70.


