Penerapan Mashlahah Al-Mursalah Dalam Kitab Ahwâl Al-Syakhsiyyah Karya Muhammad Abû Zahrah
Mashlahah al-Mursalah, Ahwâl al-Syakhsiyyah, Muhammad Abû Zahrah.Abstract
This research is motivated by the verses of the Qur’an and the Hadits as source of Islamic law that is limited in preparing a problem, while the problem continues to develop and unlimited in accordance with the times. Therefore, there is a need for legal arguments to solve problems that have no arguments in the Qur’an and Hadits. Among the arguments used in addition to the Qur’an and the Hadits are: Ijmâ, Qiyâs, Istihsân, Mashlahah Mursalah, ‘Urf, Syar’u man Qablanâ, Qawl al-Shahâbî, Istishâb, and Sad al-Dzarî’ah. This needs to be emphasized that the main problem was used as the object of this research focused on the concept of al-Mashlahah al-Mursalah according to Muhammad Abû Zahrah as the argument for establishing the law and its application in his book al-Ahwâl al-Syakhsiyyah. Then the questions in study are: How the Application of the Concept of al-Mashlahah al-Mursalah in the Kitab al-Ahwâl al-Syakhsiyyah by Muhammad Abû Zahrah concerning Family Law? This type of research is literature research (library research) while the data source is from books of fiqh and ushûl fiqh. The type of data is qualitative. The object of research is the Concept of al-Mashlahah al-Mursalah and its application in book of Muhammad Abû Zahrah. Data collection is done through literature studies of the main books plus other texts of analysis, data analysis using content analysis, while the presentation of the data is done in descriptive analysis. This study produces several conclusions, namely: (1) the essence of al-Mashlahah al-Mursalah made by Muhammad Abû Zahrah as a proposition in Islamic Shari’ah is al-Mashlahah al-Mursalah which is in accordance with the objectives af Shari’ah, namely: al-Muhafdzah ‘alad Dîn (nurturing religion), al-Muhafadzah ‘ala al-Nafs, (nurturing the soul), al-Muhafadzah ‘alal ‘Aql (nurturing reason), al-Muhafadzah ‘alan Nasl, (maintaining descent) and al-Muhafadzah ‘alal Mâl, (maintening property and objects). According to him, these 5 things should not be violated in any statutory regulations. Efforts to maintain these 5 things, Muhammad Abû Zahrah quoted the distribution of ushûl al-Fiqh scholars to him as 3 namely dharûriyyah, hajjîyyah and tahsinîyyah in the field of Family Law namely, (a) cancellation of marriage, (b) livelihood of post-divorce children, (c) limitation of hadhanah period, (d) child nasab recognition with pledge.
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