Televisi Dan Efeknya Terhadap Pendidikan Anak
Television, Effects, EducationAbstract
The development of television in Indonesia so rapidly, it is undeniable refractive of positive and negative impacts for society. Study on the showing of media of television show that humans have been so friendly with television. Television affects child’s education development because children tend to imitate scenes are shown particularly violent scenes that displayed. showing of violence on television bring negative impact on education. The existence of this negative influences caused parent need to supervise child in order to not watching violence showing because it can interfere development of the soul, negative effects of showing onchild's education is it can damage the child's mental, children become lazy and tend to imitate their idol on television, and obstacle faced by parent in utilizing television as media of education of child is the limited time control of child watching broadcast packet of violent showing, the lack broadcast packet that contain the value of education and the influence of the broadcast can damage child's mental.
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