Strategi Guru Dalam Penanaman Akhlak Siswa di SMP Swasta Jami’ah Al-Aziziyah Samalanga
Policy, Planting, Student MoralsAbstract
The teacher's strategy in improving the morals of students becomes the basis for making students who are useful for the nation and state in the future. This study analyzes the teacher's strategy in instilling student morals in Jami'ah Al-Aziziyah Private Junior High School Samalanga. The type of research used is ethnographic qualitative research. Ethnography is a form of research that focuses on the meaning of sociology through closed field observations of socio-cultural phenomena. The selection of informants is carried out on those who know who have a point of view or opinion about various community activities. The results of the teacher's research in inculcating students' morals at Jami'ah Al-Aziziyah Private Junior High School Samalanga are providing regular religious guidance through example, giving advice, targhib and tarhib, religious practice, attention and supervision of students. The strategy used by the teacher for students who violate is to be told to read the Koran and cite trash in the school yard, which is unique for every teacher to always give advice before or after learning, so giving advice to students is not only religious teachers but all give advice. advice 5 minutes before or after study.
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