Strategi Rekrutmen Dan Pembinaan Guru Di Dayah Jamiah Al-Aziziyah Desa Bate Iliek Samalanga Bireuen


  • Husnul Khatami Zulkifli IAIN Lhokseumawe
  • Almuhajir
  • Said Alwi



Keywords: Teacher recruitment strategy, teacher development.


This study aims to describe the recruitment strategies for teachers at Dayah Jamiah Al-Aziziyah and explore in depth the teacher development processes implemented to ensure teaching quality while adapting to contemporary advancements. By examining recruitment and teacher development practices, this research seeks to provide a comprehensive perspective on the efforts of Dayahs in Aceh to preserve and enhance the quality of education in an evolving era. 

The research adopts a qualitative descriptive method with a case study approach. Data collection techniques include observations, interviews, and documentation. The study was conducted at Dayah Jamiah Al-Aziziyah in Samalanga, Bireuen, Aceh. Primary data were obtained through interviews with dayah leaders, junior and senior teachers, as well as direct field observations. 

The findings reveal that the teacher recruitment strategy at Dayah Jamiah Al-Aziziyah is conducted internally, recruiting only its graduates who have completed a minimum of seven years of education. The selection process includes tests on Qur'anic reading skills and mastery of classical Islamic texts (Kitab Turats), emphasizing integrity and a spirit of dedication. Teacher development is carried out through regular study sessions with the leadership to improve the teachers’ human resource quality, along with supervision by senior teachers to maintain teaching standards and conduct evaluations. 


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How to Cite

Zulkifli, H. K., Almuhajir, & Said Alwi. (2024). Strategi Rekrutmen Dan Pembinaan Guru Di Dayah Jamiah Al-Aziziyah Desa Bate Iliek Samalanga Bireuen. Jurnal At-Tarbiyyah: Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan Islam, 10(2), 89-97.