Sinergitas Pesantren Madrasah dan Sekolah
Boarding school synergy, madrasah, SchoolsAbstract
With an advanced and significantdeveloprnentofeducation, starting from education in the family and gathering in the mosque, it highly motivates the society to hold the education in that educational place. It can result in the integration of religious education and general education that can produce intellectual ulama even until the university level. Thus, the writer is interested in discussing the growing Islamic education and reform beginning from the pondok pasantren/boarding school and school as well as the unification between school and boarding school in the madrasah. Boarding school is a religious educational institution which has its own characteristic and different from other educational institutions. Boarding school is unique in both the learning approach and a view of life and the level of shared values, the structure of the division of authority and all aspects of education and other community. Madrasah is isim makan from katab Darasa which means seating for learning. The term of Madrasah has been integrated with the term school or college (especially Islamic schools). The school is an institution designed for the teaching of students (or "pupils") under the supervision of teachers. Generally a formal education system in most countries is compulsory. Education in .schools is part of education in the family, which is also the continuation of education in the family. Besides, life in school is a bridge for children to connect to the family life with the society life
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