ادارة تعليم اللغة العربية فى المعهد العصر ينمو نجها وتطبيقها
(دراسة الحالة في معهد علوم القران لنجس-أتشية)
Management, Instruction, Arabic InstructionAbstract
Arabic instruction is an activity involving unsures of education systems. They are teacher, student, and school management. The progress of Arabic instruction in Indonesia, nowadays, has an significant improvement. It is indicated by establishing schools, Islamic boarding schools, and courses that focus on designing Arabic as an excellent material. In order to design an effective, efficient and fun Arabic instruction and achieve its goal, this matter urgently needs a quality management.The goals of this study are: (l )to describe a plan of Arabic instruction (2) to elaborate an implementation of Arabic instruction. This study uses descriptive analysis approach and the type of this study .is a case study. The instruments of collecting data are observation, interview, and documentation.Based on results of this study, it can be concluded that: (l) a plan of Arabic instruction at Ulumul Qur'an Islamic High School Langsa consists of arranging annual program, semester program, syllabus, and lesson plan; (2) an implementation of Arabic instruction at Ulumul Qur'an Islamic High School Langsa accounts for: (a) a systematically instruction activity includes preface activity, main activity, and closing activity, (b) the use of methods, such as direct method, discussion, drill, communicative, listening, etc, (c) the use of media, such as LCD, video, mp3, etc, (d) the use of contextual approach.
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